Paraphimosis is the entrapment of a tight retracted foreskin proximal to the coronal sulcus in uncircumcised males. The tight retracted foreskin cannot return to its normal position and forms a tight constricting ring over the distal shaft of penis. It causes vascular and lymphatic obstruction leading to redness and swelling of the penis and prepuce distal to the constricting prepuce ring. Paraphimosis is a medical emergency requiring urgent attention. With time, severe vascular and lymphatic obstruction could lead to penile infarction, necrosis, gangrene and rarely auto amputation if untreated.
Experienced doctors can confirm the diagnosis by clinical examination.
If you encounter paraphimosis, please find an experienced doctor for immediate surgical treatment. The options are:
- Urgent paraphimosis reduction
- Urgent dorsal slit
- Urgent circumcision
- Urgent paraphimosis reduction followed by delayed circumcision